Monday, October 24, 2022
Tuesday, April 12, 2022
We were on Art Gab PDX
Saturday, March 12, 2022
For the Seventh Generation Project Interview
Cape Arago (Shore Acres), Oil, 24" x 48", Quin Sweetman |
Thanks to Randy Pijoan for taking the time to interview me and the John Daniel Teply Gallery for featuring my work in the For the Seventh Generation Project.
You can see my interview here or copy/paste:
This 2x4-foot painting is one of the larger paintings I've ever done and I am thrilled to be showing it as part of this important project.
This July we will be exhibiting For the Seventh Generation paintings at the Lincoln City Cultural Center. My painting is currently for sale to benefit this important work and coastal conservation.
A primer on the For the Seventh Generation project:
For The Seventh Generation is about connecting with place over time. We are forming a one-hundred year arts organization whose reason for being is the ocean. We want to make art that functions at the center of human life, not at its edges. Our showcase event is the For The Seventh Generation Project, The one-mile Pano-Mural for the Washington, Oregon, and California coasts. Our guiding sentiment is “Above all else, a healthy ocean.” The lengthy time aspect referred to by the title is from a notion that we need to think within a longer time frame to address our problems. We need to make choices not just for ourselves and our generation, or for our children or even our grandchildren, but to acknowledge that this is the only planet that any of us will ever have, for all species, for all life, and that we share this planet with the future. Our decisions should reflect that.
Imagine 1320 paintings by 1320 artists to go with the 1320 miles of the Washington, Oregon and California coasts. These paintings, each four feet in length, when put together end to end, and in geographic order, offer the viewer an opportunity to walk the Western coast. As each artist revisits their location (which we encourage them to do once a year) a new painting is generated. Each year the pano-mural recreates itself. This is a resonant relationship with the coastline, which also recreates itself each year. The For The Seventh Generation pano-mural is different each year from the one before, as new work is painted, new artists join in, and the artwork that is sold is no longer exhibited. It is designed to be passed on to other artists and other generations. In fact, because of the timespan involved, those that begin the project today cannot know the fruit of their efforts, for they themselves will, of course, have passed on. We are a generation beginning something the results of which will never be known.
By the very act of going to their locations and painting, the artists become sentinels of their locations. They are watching and observing what happens. Over time, they become chroniclers of the coast. As a group, they become a community of coastal watchers.
Sunday, February 13, 2022
Badger & Coyote’s curious partnership illustrated
My first book illustration!
Original sketch by Quin Sweetman for Badger & Coyote |